Friday, March 6, 2020

Difference between SINCE and FOR English Lesson via Skype

Difference between SINCE and FOR English Lesson via Skype Many of my students have difficulty with understanding the difference between SINCE and FOR.As youve probably noticed, I dont like lengthy complicated   explanations, so a while ago I created this short video lesson that will help you better understand the difference between them. Hopefully, this is clear. Difference between SINCE and FOR - Video Lesson Don't keep this to yourself, tell the world: Difference between SINCE and FOR - Transcript Hi there.  Welcome to Harrys World of  Words and Phrases and English in a  Minute.Were now going to talk about the  difference between  SINCE  and FOR. They  can be used in lots of different ways.Just to try and simplify matters, Im  just going to give you a couple of  examples as to when we use them and the  differences.SINCEwe always use with the  perfect tenses.  Okay.  And when we use since,  we go back to the beginning,  when  something started.So let me give you  some examples.Ive known about the job  since January.  go back to JanuaryI have  not been to the zoo since last year.  go  back to last yearHe has wanted to go to  America since he read the stories of  Huckleberry Finn.  going back to his  childhoodOkay. So lets look at for.FORwhen  we use for its always about specific  periods of time.Im going to give you  the exact same examples but just show  you how we can use for.I have known  about the job for six weeks.  at a  specific period of time six weeksI have  not b een to the zoo for eight months. that particular period of time,  specific  period of eight monthsI have wanted to  go to America for years.  a specific  period yearsOkay. So these are the  differences between since and for and  how we use them in English.DonĂ¢€™t forget that we can only use SINCE with HAVE, HAS or HAD (the perfect tenses)Okay.  So as always subscribe to our  YouTube Channel Learn English with Harry and join us on and well catch up with you very soon. For or Since? MP3 Difference between SINCE and FOR - What's the Difference

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